Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to the PCS – Plastic Solutions brand.

We appreciate your visit to our website. All data is treated with maximum security and confidentiality. Data protection is a priority for the PCS – Plastic Solutions brand.

The information entered regarding the payment method and its data are properly protected with appropriate security tools. Navigation on our page is possible without any indication of personal data.


The PCS – Plastic Solutions brand only uses personal data for the purpose provided for in each collection. Following our customers' requests and the provision of our services, we may hire third parties to carry out the purpose of communicating customer data.

Therefore, when you interact with us through our services, we collect the following personal data and other information: your name; the email address; the contact; the postal address; payment details, if applicable. These data and information are essential for the processing of your order and for the purchase of products at Unfortunately, your refusal to provide some personal data may prevent us from fulfilling your request.

PCS is responsible for the protection of personal information entered by the user and may, eventually, use it for the following purposes: to improve the services available; establish a link with users by sending, via e-mail, institutional information that is requested; processing requests for information and eventual complaints; statistical analysis, as well as their use for marketing purposes. Any and all processing of personal data will be done in accordance with applicable legislation. According to paragraph 4 of article 10 of Law no. 67/98, of 26 October, which refers to security conditions regarding the collection of information on open networks, all PCS employees involved in data processing are covered by the duty of secrecy and confidentiality in relation to the same.


Your data may be disclosed to third parties that provide specific services, such as external entities contracted by PCS (invoicing or transport companies), or that independently process the personal data collected by PCS – Plastic Solutions.

Your personal data may be disclosed for the following purposes: provision of electronic payment services through credit cards; processing of product sales; solve problems related to the sale of the products; process customer product returns; comply with applicable laws; respond to judicial and governmental inquiries; comply with valid legal processes; protect the rights or property of the PCS – Plastic Solutions brand.


Users can change their data at any time and electronically. The PCS – Plastic Solutions brand will keep the account information active in the registration databases to provide immediate access to personalized information each time it enters the website, until its removal is requested, with the exception of information from customers who have orders. The user may, at any time, exercise the rights of access, rectify their data and cancel or activate newsletters.

COOKIES uses cookies (small software tags that are stored on your computer, mobile phone, tablet, through the internet browser, retaining only information related to your preferences, not including, as such, your personal data) in order to improve the user's search experience. The cookies used are, in any case, temporary, with the sole purpose of making their subsequent transmission more efficient.

At any time, you can remove cookies, using your browser to delete them or using official tools for this purpose. However, this may change the way you interact with our site. If the user authorizes the subscription to the PCS – Plastic Solutions Newsletter, we will provide the user with information regarding our products and services via email. Subscribing to the PCS – Plastic Solutions Newsletter may involve the use of personal data in order to carry out a personalized advertising of our products and services available to the user via email. Users can change, at any time and electronically, their data, as well as deactivate the subscription to Newsletters.


By usingwww.plasticsolutions.ptyou declare that you are of legal age and that you have given us your consent for any minors who depend on you to use this site.



We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time. Therefore, we advise you to consult it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately after they are posted on the website.

If our store is acquired or merged with another company, your information may be transferred to the new owners so that we can continue to sell products to you.


PCS – Plastic Solutions cannot guarantee that the operation of this website will be completely free of errors, or risks associated with viruses / computer attacks. PCS – Plastic Solutions will not be responsible for any damages, regardless of their nature, arising from the use of this site.


If the customer wants to correct, change or delete any personal information we have about them, file a complaint or simply obtain more information, please contact us at